Individual Brain Charting
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) has opened the possibility to map all types of perceptual, motor or cognitive functions, providing an instrumental basis for the whole field of cognitive neuroimaging. However, no systematic data collection has so far been undertaken toward a fine spatial and systematic representation of mental functions. In order to attain to such a comprehensive atlas of brain responses, the Individual Brain Charting (IBC) project aims to provide a dataset that contains high-resolution multi-task fMRI data. These refer to a cohort of twelve participants performing many different tasks, yielding a precise mapping of the underlying functions, free from both inter-subject and inter-site variability. Additionally, the dataset is complemented with high-resolution anatomical and diffusion images, pertaining to a fine anatomical characterization of these brains.
- Ana Luisa Grilo-Pinho
- Lucie Hertz-Pannier
- Bertrand Thirion
Contact Information:
Name: Ana Luisa Grilo PinhoEmail: ana-luisa.grilo-pinho@inria.fr
Name: Bertrand Thirion
Email: bertrand.thirion@inria.fr
Acknowledgements and Funding:
We wish to thank Alexis Amadon for the set-up of MRI sequences, Chantal Ginisty, Séverine Becuwe, and Séverine Desmidt for running MRI acquisitions while tracking all possible artifacts and for their help in all experimental procedures. Thanks also to Isabelle Denghien for helping in task set-up and video annotations, to Torsten Ruest for the set up of HCP tasks and pilot acquisitions; thanks to Murielle Fabre Christophe Pallier for the RSV Language task design, and to Philippe Pinel for the ARCHI task design. Many thanks to Laurence Laurier for participant handling, to Christine Doublé for hiring and communication with participants, to Ludivine Monassier for participant screening and to Bernadette Martins the set up of the medical protocol and careful follow-up of legal and safety safety procedure. Thanks to Elvis Dohmatob for help in data processing, to Evelyn Eger, Stanislas Dehaene and Gaël Varoquaux for their thoughtful advice on study design and analysis. H2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation; grant agreement 720270 (Human Brain Project SGA1)
Sample Size:
Scanner Type:
Siemens Prisma 3T
Accession Number:
How to cite this dataset:
In addition to any citation requirements in the dataset summary please use the following to cite this dataset:
This data was obtained from the OpenfMRI database. Its accession number is ds000244
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Revision: 1.0.1 Date Set: April 7, 2018, 7:48 p.m.
- Updated participants.tsv
Data Associated with Revision:
- Data for sub-01 (24.2 GB)
- Data for sub-02 (21.5 GB)
- Data for sub-04 (24.5 GB)
- Data for sub-05 (24.5 GB)
- Data for sub-06 (25.6 GB)
- Data for sub-07 (25.9 GB)
- Data for sub-08 (24.6 GB)
- Data for sub-09 (23.8 GB)
- Data for sub-11 (24.4 GB)
- Data for sub-13 (24.8 GB)
- Data for sub-14 (23.9 GB)
- Metadata (109.5 KB)
Revision: 1.0.0 Date Set: Nov. 9, 2017, 5:57 a.m.
- Initial release
Data Associated with Revision:
- Data for sub-01 (24.2 GB)
- Data for sub-02 (21.5 GB)
- Data for sub-04 (24.5 GB)
- Data for sub-05 (24.5 GB)
- Data for sub-06 (25.6 GB)
- Data for sub-07 (25.9 GB)
- Data for sub-08 (24.6 GB)
- Data for sub-09 (23.8 GB)
- Data for sub-11 (24.4 GB)
- Data for sub-12 (24.0 GB)
- Data for sub-13 (24.8 GB)
- Data for sub-14 (23.9 GB)
- Metadata (109.4 KB)