Whole-brain background-suppressed pCASL MRI with 1D-accelerated 3D RARE Stack-Of-Spirals Readout- Dataset 1
We investigated the use of accelerated 3D readouts to obtain whole-brain, high-SNR ASL perfusion maps and reduce SAR deposition. Parallel imaging was implemented along the partition-encoding direction in a pseudo-continuous ASL sequence with background-suppression and 3D RARE Stack-Of-Spirals readout, and its performance was evaluated in three small cohorts. First, both non-accelerated and two-fold accelerated single-shot versions of the sequence were evaluated in healthy volunteers during a motor-photic task, and the performance was compared in terms of temporal SNR, GM-WM contrast, and statistical significance of the detected activation. Secondly, single-shot 1D-accelerated imaging was compared to a two-shot accelerated version to assess benefits of SNR and spatial resolution for applications in which temporal resolution is not paramount. Third, the efficacy of this approach in clinical populations was assessed by applying the single-shot 1D-accelerated version to a larger cohort of elderly volunteers.
- John A. Detre
- María A. Fernández-Seara
- Yulin V. Chang
- Ze Wang
- Marta Vidorreta
Contact Information:
Name: Marta VidorretaAcknowledgements and Funding:
This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (http://www.nih.gov/), grants no. P41EB015893 and MH080729, by National Natural Science Foundation of China (http://www.nsfc.gov.cn/), grant no. 81471644, and Hangzhou Innovation Seed Fund.
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3T Siemens Tim Trio B17
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This data was obtained from the OpenfMRI database. Its accession number is ds000234
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