A multimodal brain imaging dataset on sleep deprivation in young and old humans: The Sleepy Brain Project I
Dataset Information
The Stockholm Sleepy Brain Study I is a functional brain imaging study where 48 younger (20-30 years) and 36 older (65-75 years) healthy participants underwent magnetic resonance imaging after normal sleep and partial sleep deprivation in a crossover design. We performed three experiments investigating emotional mimicry, empathy for pain, and cognitive reappraisal, as well as resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). We also acquired T1- and T2-weighted structural images and diffusion tensor images. On the night before imaging, participants were monitored with ambulatory polysomnography and were instructed to sleep either as usual or only three hours. Participants came to the scanner the following evening. Besides MRI scanning, participants underwent behavioral tests and contributed blood samples, which have been stored in a biobank and used for DNA analyses. Participants also completed a variety of self-report measures. The resulting multimodal dataset may be useful for hypothesis generation or independent validation of effects of sleep deprivation and aging, as well as investigation of cross-sectional associations between our different outcomes.
Dataset Notes
The faces and arrows task-based fMRI experiment data will be published at a later time.
Raw polysomnography data are available upon request.
The currently published data set includes:
Hands task-based fMRI data
Resting state fMRI data
Demographics, surveys, questionnaire data
Eye tracking data
High resolution T1-weighted and T2-weighted structural scans
B0 field map data
Diffusion-weighted imaging scans
DNA analysis results
Data Descriptor Manuscript
A preprint of the corresponding data descriptor manuscript (submitted) is available at the Karolinska Institutet open archive.
- Torbjörn Åkerstedt
- Mats Lekander
- Håkan Fischer
- Göran Kecklund
- Peter Fransson
- Predrag Petrovic
- John Axelsson
- Tina Sundelin
- Kristoffer NT Månsson
- Jia Jia Liu
- Catharina Lavebratt
- Johanna Schwarz
- Hanna Å Thuné
- Paolo d’Onofrio
- Sandra Tamm
- Gustav Nilsonne
Contact Information:
Name: Gustav NilsonneEmail: gustav.nilsonne@ki.se
Acknowledgements and Funding:
We are grateful to Diana Cortes and Roberta Nagai for assistance with polysomnography recordings, to Birgitta Mannerstedt Fogelfors for assistance with screening, instructions to participants, and blood sampling, to Rouslan Sitnikov and Jonathan Berrebi for assistance with MRI sequences and auxiliary equipment, and to Hannes Ingre for entering sleep diary data into a spreadsheet.
External Publication Links:
Effects of late-night short-sleep on in-home polysomnography: relation to adult age and sexThe effect of sleep restriction on empathy for pain: An fMRI study in younger and older adults
Intrinsic brain connectivity after partial sleep deprivation in young and older adults: results from the Stockholm Sleepy Brain study
Sample Size:
Scanner Type:
GE Discovery 3T
Accession Number:
How to cite this dataset:
In addition to any citation requirements in the dataset summary please use the following to cite this dataset:
This data was obtained from the OpenfMRI database. Its accession number is ds000201
Browse Data For All Revisions on S3
Direct Links to data:
Revision: 1.0.5 Date Set: Dec. 2, 2017, 3:02 a.m.
- Rearranged data in the zip archive
Data Associated with Revision:
- Data for subjects 9001-9009
- Data for subjects 9010-9019
- Data for subjects 9020-9029
- Data for subjects 9030-9039
- Data for subjects 9040-9049
- Data for subjects 9050-9059
- Data for subjects 9060-9069
- Data for subjects 9070-9079
- Data for subjects 9080-9089
- Data for subjects 9090-9100
- Derivatives
- Metadata
- MRIQC Anatomical T1w group report (617.7 KB)
- MRIQC functional group report (993.8 KB)
Revision: 1.0.4 Date Set: Oct. 9, 2017, 1:41 a.m.
- Added resting state data and hands task data
- Fixed dataset_description.json and task-PVT_beh.json formatting issues
- In participants.tsv, replaced empty cells and 'NA' with 'n/a'
- Replaced participants_codebook.tsv with participants.json
- Moved extra particpant data to a separate file in sourcedata
- Renamed sessions.tsv files to comply with BIDS
- Updated README
- Updated and renamed task-workingmemorytest.json
Data Associated with Revision:
- Code (16.1 KB)
- Data for subjects 9001-9009 (8.5 GB)
- Data for subjects 9010-9019 (8 GB)
- Data for subjects 9020-9029 (6.2 GB)
- Data for subjects 9030-9039 (8.5 GB)
- Data for subjects 9040-9049 (8.8 GB)
- Data for subjects 9050-9059 (8.2 GB)
- Data for subjects 9060-9069 (8.6 GB)
- Data for subjects 9070-9079 (9.8 GB)
- Data for subjects 9080-9089 (10.3 GB)
- Data for subjects 9090-9100 (8.9 GB)
- Derivatives (8.1 GB)
- Metadata (28.2 KB)
- MRIQC Anatomical T1w group report (617.7 KB)
- MRIQC Anatomical T2w group report (352.5 KB)
- MRIQC functional group report (993.8 KB)
- Sourcedata (430.4 MB)
Revision: 1.0.3 Date Set: Oct. 17, 2016, 4:36 p.m.
- Added a note to README mentioning that polysomnography data is available upon request
from the submitter
Data Associated with Revision:
- B0 field mapping data for all subjects (521 MB)
- Diffusion-weighted imaging data for all subjects (5.6 GB)
- High-resolution T1-weighted imaging data for all subjects (8.7 GB)
- High-resolution T2-weighted imaging data for all subjects (6.6 GB)
- Metadata, demographics, survey, questionnaire, eye tracking, and non-imaging data (389 MB)
- Preprocessed EMG data for all subjects (170 MB)
Revision: 1.0.2 Date Set: Oct. 13, 2016, 10:21 p.m.
- Removed polysomnography recording data for all subjects. This was requested by the submitter.
Data Associated with Revision:
- B0 field mapping data for all subjects (521 MB)
- Diffusion-weighted imaging data for all subjects (5.6 GB)
- High-resolution T1-weighted imaging data for all subjects (8.7 GB)
- High-resolution T2-weighted imaging data for all subjects (6.6 GB)
- Metadata, demographics, survey, questionnaire, eye tracking, and non-imaging data (389 MB)
- Preprocessed EMG data for all subjects (170 MB)
Revision: 1.0.1 Date Set: Sept. 10, 2016, 1:55 a.m.
- Updated participants.tsv with more fields
- Added PVT data
Data Associated with Revision:
Revision: 1.0.0 Date Set: May 19, 2016, 9:10 p.m.
- Initial publishing
Data Associated with Revision:
- B0 field mapping data for all subjects (522 MB)
- Diffusion-weighted imaging data for all subjects
- High-resolution T1-weighted imaging data for all subjects (8.7 GB)
- High-resolution T2-weighted imaging data for all subjects (6.6 GB)
- Metadata, demographics, survey, questionnaire, eye tracking, and non-imaging data (387 MB)
- Preprocessed EMG data for all subjects (170 MB)