Developmental changes in brain function underlying the influence of reward processing on inhibitory control (Slot Reward)
Adolescence is a period marked by changes in motivational and cognitive brain systems. However, the development of the interactions between reward and cognitive control processing are just beginning to be understood. Using event-related functional neuroimaging and an incentive modulated antisaccade task, we compared blood-oxygen level dependent activity underlying motivated response inhibition in children, adolescents, and adults.
AFNI (Analysis and Visualization of Functional Neuroimages) software (Cox, 1996) was used for individual subject deconvolution as well as subsequent group analyses. Deconvolution methods followed steps delineated previously (Ward, 1998). Briefly, our model consisted of two orthogonal regressors of interest for reward and neutral correct AS trials, as well as regressors for incorrect AS trials and all VGS trials. Linear and non-linear trends and six motion parameters were also included as nuisance regressors. A unique estimated impulse response function (i.e., hemodynamic response function) for each regressor of interest (correct reward and neutral AS trials) was determined by a weighted linear sum of eight sine basis functions multiplied by data determined least squares estimated beta weights. The estimated impulse response function reflects the estimated BOLD response to a type of trial (reward AS trial) after controlling for variations in the BOLD signal due to other regressors. We made no assumptions about the shape of the function. We specified the duration of the estimated response from the trial onset (0 seconds) to 24 seconds (17 TRs) post trial onset, a sufficient time window for the hemodynamic response to peak and return to baseline, which was defined as the jittered fixation periods between trials.
- Beatriz Luna
- Theresa Teslovich
- Sarah J. Ordaz
- Charles F. Geier
- Padmanabhan, Aarthi
Acknowledgements and Funding:
This study was supported by National Institute of Mental Health Grant MH080243.
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Developmental Changes in Brain Function Underlying the Influence of Reward Processing on Inhibitory Control.Sample Size:
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3T Siemens Allegra MRI scanner
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This data was obtained from the OpenfMRI database. Its accession number is ds000120
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Revision: 1.0.1 Date Set: Oct. 11, 2017, 5:09 p.m.
- Removed sub-07 from participants.tsv as data for it didn't existed