A multi-subject, multi-modal human neuroimaging dataset
This dataset contains data acquired with multiple functional and structural neuroimaging modalities on the same nineteen healthy volunteers. The functional data include Electroencephalography (EEG), Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data, recorded while the volunteers performed multiple runs of hundreds of trials of a simple perceptual task on pictures of familiar, unfamiliar and scrambled faces during two visits to the laboratory. The structural data include T1-weighted MPRAGE, Multi-Echo FLASH and Diffusion-weighted MR sequences. Though only from a small sample of volunteers, these data can be used to develop methods for integrating multiple modalities from multiple runs on multiple participants, with the aim of increasing the spatial and temporal resolution above that of any one modality alone. They can also be used to integrate measures of functional and structural connectivity, and as a benchmark dataset to compare results across the many neuroimaging analysis packages.
- Henson, RN
- Wakeman, DG
Contact Information:
Name: Daniel WakemanEmail: dgwakeman@gmail.com
Name: Rik Henson
Email: rik.henson@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk
External Publication Links:
A multi-subject, multi-modal human neuroimaging datasetSample Size:
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Siemens 3T TIM TRIO
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License
Accession Number:
How to cite this dataset:
In addition to any citation requirements in the dataset summary please use the following to cite this dataset:
This data was obtained from the OpenfMRI database. Its accession number is ds000117
Browse Data For All Revisions on S3
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Revision: 1.0.0 Date Set: Nov. 11, 2017, 10:48 p.m.
- Converted to BIDS format
- Changed subject order (see README)
Data Associated with Revision:
- Data for subjects 01-04 (16 GB)
- Data for subjects 05-08 (15.1 GB)
- Data for subjects 09-12 (15.3 GB)
- Data for subjects 13-16 (15.2 GB)
- Derivatives for subjects 01-04 (16.6 GB)
- Derivatives for subjects 05-08 (16.1 GB)
- Derivatives for subjects 09-12 (16.6 GB)
- Derivatives for subjects 13-16 (16.5 GB)
- Metadata (235.4 KB)
- MRIQC (372.3 MB)
- MRIQC bold group report
- MRIQC T1w group report
- Sourcedata (923.7 MB)
- Stimuli (13 MB)
Revision: 0.1.1 Date Set: Sept. 17, 2016, 4:41 a.m.
- Replaced ds117_R0.1.0/sub004/MEG/run_02_sss.fif and ds117_R0.1.0/sub006/MEG/run_03_sss.fif since the original versions were corrupted
Data Associated with Revision:
- Metadata
- Raw data for subject 01 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 02 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 03 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 04 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 05 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 06 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 07 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 08 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 09 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 10 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 11 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 12 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 13 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 14 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 15 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 16 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 17 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 18 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 19 in AWS
Revision: 0.1.0 Date Set: Nov. 3, 2014, 7:56 p.m.
- Initial release
Data Associated with Revision:
- Metadata
- Raw data for subject 01 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 02 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 03 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 04 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 05 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 06 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 07 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 08 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 09 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 10 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 11 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 12 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 13 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 14 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 15 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 16 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 17 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 18 in AWS
- Raw data for subject 19 in AWS